Page 74 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 74


             XXVIII. To do the Will of God it is necessary that I should give
          up mine own. I wish to possess God only; if, then, I wish for God
          alone, it must needs be that I should detach myself from all that is
          not God.
             XXIX. I will have it at heart to seek my own interests in nothing.
             XXX. During all the time of silence, I will meditate within my soul
          on  the  Passion  and  Death  of  Jesus  Christ,  and  on  the  Sorrows  of
             XXXI. May all my prayers, Communions, and all my good works
          be always applied for the salvation of poor sinners in union with the
          Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
             XXXII. If anyone is wanting in the patience necessary for him to
          endure the trials that God sends him, and ask me to help him, I will
          pray  for  his  intention,  and  for  three  days  offer  up  all  that  I  do  in
          order to obtain for him a perfect conformity with the Divine Will.
             XXXIII.  When  I  receive  my  Superior's  Blessing,  I  will  consider
          that it is Jesus Christ himself from whom I am receiving it.
             XXXIV.  As  a  general  rule  I  will  not  ask  permission  for  Holy
          Communion  overnight.  I  will  only  ask  it  the  moment  before  I  am
          going into the church. Thus I shall always keep myself in readiness. If
          permission be refused me, I will make a Spiritual Communion, when
          the Priest communicates sacramentally.
             XXXV. My thanksgiving after Communion shall last until midday,
          and my preparation for next day shall be made from midday until six
          o'clock in the evening.
             XXXVI.  In  visiting  the  Blessed  Sacrament,  I  will  make  the
          following Acts: “O Lord Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the
          Blessed Sacrament, and I adore Thee with all my heart.”
             “I have the intention of adoring Thee by this visit wherever Thou
          art present in the Sacred Host, and I offer Thee Thy Precious Blood
          for  poor  sinners.  Also  I  desire  to  receive  Thee  spiritually  as  many
          times as there are sanctuaries on earth in which Thou dost dwell.”
             XXXVII. I will make these Acts of the Love of God. “O my God,
          I have the intention of offering Thee as many acts of love as have
          been ever made Thee by the Most Holy Virgin and all the Saints in
          Heaven, as well as by all the Faithful on earth. I would love Thee as
          much as Jesus Christ loves Thee, and as He loved His chosen ones. I
          would renew these acts with every beating of my heart. I offer these

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