Page 71 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 71
trust solely in Thee, Who art Infinite Goodness and Mercy, and Who
canst never but prove faithful to Thy Promises, O Thou supreme
Goodness! Whenever I have failed, the failure came from myself
alone. Henceforth I will that Thou shouldst act in me. Grant, I beg of
Thee, that I may observe all exactly and without fail — of Thee do I
confidently hope to obtain this grace, O Thou inexhaustible Treasure
of Mercy.
I choose the Holy Spirit to be my only comforter and protector in
all things. May He be my defence, and root out all my faults.
Saint Gerard then entreats the Holy Mother of God and all the
citizens of the heavenly country, “especially his patrons, Teresa, Mary
Magdalene of Pazzi, and Agnes,” to lend him their aid in his
endeavour. He proceeds as follows:
I will examine my conscience every fortnight to see whether I may
not have failed in keeping any of the resolutions which I am about to
write down. Gerard, know well that one day all that thou now writest
will again be brought before thy view. Think well, therefore, of its
careful fulfilment. But who art thou, who art thou, I ask, that dost
thus threaten me? Thou speakest the truth, but art thou ignorant that
never have I relied upon myself, that I do not rely upon myself, and
that upon myself I will never rely! Knowing mine utter wretchedness,
never should I rest upon myself. Were I so to do, most certainly I
should have lost my head. It is in God and in God alone that I trust
and I hope. In His Hands I have placed my whole life that He may
do with me that which He pleases. Though then I live, I am without
life, since God is my life. In Him alone I find my repose, from Him
alone do I look for the help that will enable me to keep the promises
which I now make.
Praised be Jesus and Mary.
Then follow the resolutions. We think that they do not admit of
any curtailment, so give them in full as Gerard wrote them:
I. O my God and my only Love, today and every day I give myself
up to Thy Good Pleasure. In all temptations and trials, I will say
always “Thy will be done.” All that Thou mayest ordain for me I will
embrace with my whole heart, never ceasing to raise my eyes to
Heaven, there to adore the Divine Hands which cast towards me the
precious pearls of Thy Most Holy Will.
II. Lord Jesus, I wish to carry out all that is commanded me by my
Mother the Holy Catholic Church.