Page 16 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 16


          guide.  Already  he  had  healed  Eneas  and  raised  Tabitha  from  the
          dead.  The  sick  had  been  cured  even  by  his  passing  shadow,  as
          afterwards they were healed through “the handkerchiefs and aprons
          brought from  the body” of his brother-Apostle, the great St. Paul,
          who himself tells us that he was rapt in ecstasy and “caught up to the
          third Heaven; whether in the body or out of the body” he knew not.
          God alone knew the mystery.
             Visions, ecstasies, the gift of  tongues, the reading of hearts, the
          raising of the dead to life, miracles of all kinds we find in abundance
          in  the  Apostolic  Church.  Nor  did  they  cease  with  the  days  of  the
          Apostles. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever, and
          as is the Bridegroom, so is His Bride, the Holy Church, clothed with
          His Mantle as with a raiment of beauty, endowed with gifts from on
          high. Men may know her in every age not merely by her likeness to
          the divine original but by her oneness with Him.  All things else may
          change.  The  Church  of  the  Immutable  changeth  not.  The  spiritual
          children of the Apostles knew that they were heirs to the Apostolic
             St. Irenseus, in the second century, declared that there were then
          in the Church those who foresaw the future unfolded before their
          gaze. Origen proclaimed as a matter of personal knowledge, to the
          truth  of  which  he  called  God  to  witness,  that  many  Pagans  had
          become  Christians  in  consequence  of  the  visions  that  they  had
          received.  This  great  man  tells  us  that  the  Holy  Ghost  completely
          changed the hearts and minds of those early converts to the Faith, so
          that  —  at  once  instructed  and  fortified  by  the  Divine
          communications, which had been bestowed upon them, sometimes
          in sleep, sometimes during their waking hours — they were ready to
          die for a doctrine which until then they had held in abhorrence.
             But it was especially amongst the anchorites of the third century,
          that we find this Mystic Life most highly developed. In the lives of
          the Fathers of the Desert we see man by dint of contemplation and
          continual  penance  regaining  his  long-lost  sovereignty,  and  wielding

          6  It is the teaching of Our Lord that husband and wife are one with a most real
          unity. But we know from St. Paul, that the union effected on earth by the holy
          Sacrament of Matrimony is but a figure of the mystic union between the Word
          Incarnate and the Church, His spotless spouse.

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