Page 15 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 15


              those who had gone to that land from which it is said that none shall
              return to this. He had read the thoughts of men as one reads an open
              book, and the future was ever present to His gaze.
                 This mysterious power over nature Our Lord did not take away
              with Him altogether when He ascended to the Right Hand of God
              His Father; He bequeathed it as a precious inheritance to the Holy
              Church, which is His very Body. The Incarnation of the Word is a
              still  continuing,  still  energizing  fact.  Emmanuel,  God  with  us,  still
              lives His Human Life in the Blessed Sacrament. In His last discourse,
              before withdrawing His visible presence from our midst, He appealed
              to His wonderful works in confirmation of His Divine Mission, and
              declared that they should last in even more abundant measure after
              His  departure  hence.   Thus  upon  those  made  one  with  Him  by
              sacramental union, does He from time to time bestow His  gifts in
              proportion  to  their  capacity  for  receiving  these  supernatural
              communications.  To  such  Charismata  the  Apostle  St.  Paul  refers  in
              the first Epistle to the Corinthians.   Some are purely esoteric, for the
              sanctification of the individual; others are exoteric, for the edification
              of  his  neighbour.  With  these  last  we  are  alone  concerned  at  the
              present  moment.  They  have  been  with  His  Church  from  the
              beginning, and shall never leave her, so long as the world may run its
                 In  vision the Prince of the  Apostles learned that he  should  call
              nothing common or unclean which God had cleansed. In vision the
              Apostle of the Gentiles was converted to the Faith.” In vision the
              Beloved Disciple witnessed “the Holy City Jerusalem coming down
              out of Heaven from God,” and was permitted to behold the celestial
              worship of the Eternal. In vision the first Martyr saw Jesus standing
              at  the  Right  Hand  of  God.  In  the  New  Testament  we  may  read
              already that which we shall find repeated in the lives of the Saints of
              the after time. The Spirit of the Lord conveyed St. Philip the Deacon
              mysteriously  through  the  air  to  Azotus  after  he  had  baptized  the
              Ethiopian eunuch in the desert that is between Jerusalem and Gaza.
              St. Peter was delivered miraculously by an Angel from Herod's prison
              through the iron gate, which of itself opened to him and his heavenly

              4  Vide St. John xiv. 12.

              5  Cf. 1 Cor. xii. 10, and chapters xii. and xiv. passim.

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