Page 94 - Saints of the Month: February
P. 94
Saints of the Month: February
Pope Saint Hilary
Pope Hilarius
The 28th of February is the feast day of Pope Saint Hilary (5th c.).
He is also known as Pope Saint Hilarius.
Pope Saint Hilary lived in the 5th century and was the Bishop of
Rome between 461 and 468. Little is known of his early life apart
from that he was from Sardinia. He became archdeacon during
Pope Saint Leo the Great pontificate and worked closely with him
as an aid. He was sent as a papal legate to the Council of Ephesus
in 449 where he fought against the monophysite heresy. His life
was threatened because of this and he was forced to hide and he
fled back to Rome. After Pope Leo’s death, he was elected as