Page 13 - Saints of the Month: February
P. 13

Saints of the Month: February

                       one the establishment of her institute.

                       While thus engaged in a portion of the
                       province of Connaught, a deputation arrived
                       from Leinster to solicit the Saint to take up
                       her residence in that territory; but the
                       motives which they urged were human, and
                       such could have no weight with Bridgid. It
                       was only the prospect of the many spiritual
                       advantages that would result from
                       compliance with the request that induced
                       her to accede, as she did, to the wishes of
                       those who had petitioned her. Taking with
                       her a number of her spiritual daughters, our
                       Saint journeyed to Leinster, where they
                       were received with many demonstrations of
                       respect and joy. The site on which Kildare
                       now stands appearing to be well adapted for
                       a religious institute, there the Saint and her
                       companions took up their abode. To the
                       place appropriated for the new foundation
                       some lands were annexed, the fruits of
                       which were assigned to the little
                       establishment. This donation indeed
                       contributed to supply the wants of the
                       community, but still the pious sisterhood
                       principally depended for their maintenance
                       on the liberality of their benefactors.
                       Bridgid contrived, however, out of their
                       small means to relieve the poor of the
                       vicinity very considerably; and when the
                       wants of these indigent persons surpassed
                       her slender finances, she hesitated not to
                       sacrifice for them the movables of the

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