Page 88 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 88
who had asked his advice in his interior trials:
I am rejoiced and indeed consoled, Reverend Father, at the
dealings of Almighty God with your Reverence. I am quite confident
that He will grant you the grace to triumph over all your spiritual
enemies. Courage, then! Fear nothing, but rather rejoice. The Lord is
certainly on our side, and He will never abandon you. Your
Reverence has doubts concerning your past Confessions. This is a
little trial which God sends you, to give you an opportunity of
suffering something for His sake. You tell me that you are yourself
responsible for all. You could not think otherwise without your
anxiety immediately disappearing. It is thus that the Divine Majesty
acts towards the souls whom He loves, permitting them to be
persuaded that all comes from their own remissness. If your
Reverence once felt that all your sufferings came from the Hand of
God, where would be the suffering? You would then find in those
very sufferings a Paradise of delights. After all, even if we have some
little faults, and even though we do fall sometimes, let us remember
that the Saints themselves were flesh and blood. Trust in God, my
dear Father, and hope in Him. In your charity, recommend me to
Jesus Christ, and His Most Holy Mother Mary. I beg of Them to
bless us both.