Page 143 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 143
Fourth Day. — Saint Gerard, spotless lily of purity, by thine
angelic virtue and thy wondrous innocence of life thou didst receive
from the Infant Jesus and His Immaculate Mother sweet pledges of
tenderest love, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may ever strive
manfully in our life-long fight, and thus win the crown that awaits the
brave and the true. Hail Mary, etc., as above.
Fifth Day. — Saint Gerard, model of holy obedience, who
throughout thy life didst most heroically submit thy judgment to
those who represented Jesus Christ to thee, thus sanctifying thy
lowliest acts, obtain for us from God cheerful submission to His holy
Will and the virtue of perfect obedience, that we may be made
conformable to Jesus, our Model, who was obedient even unto death.
Hail Mary, etc., as above.
Sixth Day. — Saint Gerard, most perfect imitator of Jesus our
Redeemer, do thou, whose greatest glory was to be humble and
lowly, obtain for us that we too, knowing our littleness in God's
sight, may be found worthy to enter the kingdom that is promised to
the humble and lowly of heart. Hail Mary, etc., as above.
Seventh Day. — Saint Gerard, unconquered hero, most patient
in suffering, do thou, who didst glory in infirmity, and under slander
and cruel ignominy didst rejoice to suffer with Christ, obtain for us
patience and resignation in our sorrows, that we may bravely bear the
cross which is to gain for us the crown of everlasting glory. Hail
Mary, etc., as above.
Eighth Day. — Saint Gerard, true lover of Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar, do thou, who didst kneel long hours before
the Tabernacle, and there didst taste the joys of Paradise, obtain for
us, we pray thee, the spirit of prayer, and an undying love for this
Most Holy Sacrament, that receiving frequently the Body and Blood
of Jesus, we may daily grow in His holy love, and merit the priceless
grace of loving Him even to the end. Hail Mary, etc., as above.