Page 112 - FLIPBOOK - Life of Saint Gerard Majella - Vassall-Phillips
P. 112

                               HIS LAST JOURNEY

                  ew  buildings  were  at  this  time  in  course  of  erection  lit
                  Caposele,  and  immediately  after  his  second  return  from
                  Naples, Saint Gerard was appointed clerk of the works.
             At  first  sight  it  might  have  been  thought  that  the  extremely
          delicate  state  of  his  health,  and  his  marked  attraction  for  the
          contemplative  life,  would  have  rendered  him  unsuited  for  this
          occupation. His Superiors, however, knew well that — as the Apostle
          reminds us — genuine “piety is useful for all things;”  while Gerard,
          on his side, in the true spirit of his vocation, had long since learned to
          unite  the  activity  of  Martha  with  the  repose  of  Mary,  and  never
          hesitated to leave his Master's feet to do his Master's work. He was,
          as usual, indefatigable in his new office. Ever at the post of duty, he
          did  not  know  what  it  was  to  spare  himself.  He  saw  to  everything,
          provided for everything, was to be found everywhere. While Gerard
          was superintending the progress of the building, nothing could fail,
          for God was with him.
             One day the Rector told him that he had come to the end of his
          resources. He had no more money with which to pay the workmen.
             “Write  a  letter,  Reverend  Father,  to  Our  Lord  in  the  Blessed
          Sacrament,” was the holy Brother's suggestion.
             The letter was written, and Gerard himself was commissioned to
          lay  it  before  the  Throne  of  Grace  and  Mercy.  Accordingly  he

          20  i Tim. iv. 8. 142

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